List of latest news
Thursday 2011-03-17
ICPE 2011 Photos Online
Photos from ICPE 2011 are now online at[more]
Thursday 2011-02-03
Submission Statistics
Over 110 submissions were received over all conference tracks[more]
Thursday 2011-02-03
Siemens AG joins as a Sponsor.
The Siemens AG,, has joined as a Sponsor of ICPE 2011.[more]
Thursday 2011-02-03
German Research Foundation (DFG) joins as a Sponsor.
The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG),, has joined as a Sponsor of ICPE 2011.[more]
Wednesday 2011-01-19
Preliminary program
The preliminary conference schedule and technical program is online.[more]